Hispanismo del siglo XXI
La Historia no había conocido nada igual, los españoles, como afirmó el antropólogo francés Hipólito Taynee, fueron una especie humana superior que sobrepasó los límites hasta donde podía llegar el ser humano, algo único, inigualable e irrepetible en la historia de la humanidad.
Goodwin adopta un estilo de pasar página para transmitir la gran magnitud de España en este período. ― Revista de la Biblioteca sobre ESPAÑA
Un relato muy ameno del nacimiento de la primera superpotencia mundial. ― The Economist sobre ESPAÑA
Una brillante y amplia crónica de la época dorada del imperio español. . . Cualquier estudioso del Renacimiento debería leer esta excelente obra que muestra el enorme impacto de España en las artes y, con su vasto imperio americano, en el mundo. ― Kirkus Reviews en ESPAÑA, «Mejores libros de 2015»
Esta es la historia como debería ser, pero muy raramente lo es. Se cuenta a través de vidas vividas, escritas desde la pasión, así como desde el conocimiento profundo. Goodwin hace del baile inglés un flamenco; a veces su prosa gira como un derviche; a veces corta como el bisturí de un cirujano; nunca es aburrido, aunque sabe cuándo necesita ser medido. ― David Starkey sobre ESPAÑA
Lo que distingue a Goodwin de otros historiadores de la época es la pura multiplicidad de sus perspectivas. Es erudito y conciso al cubrir un terreno familiar, mientras que está lleno de perspicacia original cuando se trata de los motivos y acciones de los jugadores clave. . . [N]o es suficiente traer la verdad a la historia. Uno también debe traer vida, y este libro la tiene en abundancia dorada. ― The Spectator en ESPAÑA.
History had not known anything like it, the Spanish, as the French anthropologist Hipólito Taynee affirmed, were a superior human species that surpassed the limits to what the human being could reach, something unique, incomparable and unrepeatable in the history of humanity.
Goodwin adopts a page-turning style to convey the sheer magnitude of Spain in this period. ― Magazine of the Library on SPAIN
A very entertaining story of the birth of the first world superpower. ― The Economist on SPAIN
A brilliant and extensive chronicle of the golden age of the Spanish empire. . . Any student of the Renaissance should read this excellent work that shows the enormous impact of Spain on the arts and, with its vast American empire, on the world. ― Kirkus Reviews in SPAIN, «Best Books of 2015»
This is history as it should be, but very rarely is. It is told through lives lived, written from passion, as well as from deep knowledge. Goodwin turns English dance into flamenco; sometimes his prose whirls like a dervish; sometimes he cuts like a surgeon’s scalpel; he is never boring, although he knows when he needs to be measured. ― David Starkey on SPAIN
What distinguishes Goodwin from other historians of the time is the sheer multiplicity of his perspectives. He is erudite and concise in covering familiar ground, while full of original insight when it comes to the motives and actions of key players. . . [N]ot is enough to bring the truth to the story. One must also bring life, and this book has it in golden abundance. ― The Spectator in SPAIN.
America: The Epic Story of Spanish North America 1493-1898.
Goodwin adopts a page-turning style to convey the sheer magnitude of Spain in this period. ― Library Journal on SPAIN
A highly readable account of the birth of the first global superpower. ― The Economist on SPAIN
A bright, wide-ranging chronicle of the golden age of the Spanish empire. . . Any student of the Renaissance should read this excellent work showing Spain’s enormous impact on the arts and, with her de ella vast American empire, the world. ― Kirkus Reviews on SPAIN, «Best Books of 2015»
This is history as it should be but so rarely is. It is told through lives lived, written out of passion, as well as deep knowledge. Goodwin makes English dance a flamenco; sometimes his prose from him whirls like a Dervish; sometimes it cuts like a surgeon’s knife; it is never dull, though it knows when it needs to be measured. ― David Starkey on SPAIN
What distinguishes Goodwin from other historians of the period is the sheer multiplicity of his perspectives on him. He is erudite and concise in covering familiar ground, while full of original insight when it comes to the motives and actions of the key players. . . [I]t is not enough to bring truth to history. One must also bring life–and this book has it in golden abundance. ― The Spectator on SPAIN